Kalamazoo, Michigan on July 21
Chicago, Illinois on July 22
Medina, Minnesota on July 23
Sioux City, Iowa on July 24
The Hotel in Kalamazoo
Alice Cooper and Me Alice Cooper and Me Guitarist Pete Freezin' and Me Me and Drummer Eric Singer Keyboardist Derek Sherinian Entertains Friends Alice's Personal Assistant Renfield and Friends Road Manager Toby Mamis and Me Road Manager Toby Mamis and Me The Tour Bus in Front of the Hotel
The Entourage has Arrived Sick Things at Bar: Dave Holcomb, Bill Risoli, and Bryan Erickson Alice Arrives to the Stage via the Tomb Tonight Alice Singing Alice with Sword with Green Bills Alice Plays Guitar and Sings Eighteen The Showman Rises to the Podium Alice Dances with Cold Ethyl Alice Kisses Cold Ethyl The Clowns Capture Alice for a Makeover Alice Kills the Clown Balloon Explodes Upward School's Out at the Metro Alice's Sword Pierces Giant Balloon Close-Up of the Test of Strength Head